目的 探讨双相情感障碍缓解期患者应用情境式交往训练护理的临床效果。方法 选取2019年6月至2020年5月本科收治的双相情感障碍缓解......
目的 了解双相情感障碍患者临床治疗中的护理要点?方法 将我院2017年10月至2019年2月收治的96例双相情感障碍患者随机进行分组,每组......
Quantification of Tyrosine Hydroxylase and ErbB4 in the Locus Coeruleus of Mood Disorder Patients Us
The locus coeruleus (LC) has been studied in major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD).A major problem o......
The Relationship Between Neuroimmunity and Bipolar Disorder: Mechanism and Translational Application
Neuroimmune system may be involved in the pathological process of bipolar disorder (BD),but the essential association is......
Altered interhemispheric functional connectivity in remitted bipolar disorder:A Resting State fMRI S
objective Abnormalities in structural and functional brain connectivity have been increasingly reported in patients with......
The discrimination power of neurological soft signs between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder:An ex
Objective Bipolar disorder is a kind of mood disorder, cycling between the episodes of depression and mania.Because the ......
Childhood Trauma Associates with Clinical Features of Bipolar Disorder in a Sample of Chinese Patien
Objectives: Childhood trauma is a major public health problem which has a long-term consequence, a few studies have exam......
A combined analysis of genome-wide expression profiling of bipolar disorder in human prefrontal cort
Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder with high heritability.Integrative gene expression data and genetic da......
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are complex mental disorders,with risks contributed by multiple genes.Recently,genome......
Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric mood disorder affecting approximately 3.5% of the general population.There is no......
Bipolar disorders(BD)are characterized by a mood fluctuation,ranging from mania to depression.Current BD diagnosis and e......
Bipolar disorders (BP) are characterized by a mood fluctuation, ranging frommania to depression.Current BP diagnosis and......
Effects of Olanzapine on Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammation in Rat Primary Glia Cells-Prelimina
Introduction: Bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness characterized by alternating bouts of mania and depression.The......
Suicide Risk during Antiepileptic Drugs Treatment in Bipolar Disorders, Unipolar Depression and Epil
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are receiving growing attention for possible association with suicidal risk.Several recent st......
Polymorphisms in seizure 6-like gene are associated with bipolar disorder Ⅰ: evidence of gene × gend
Background: Previous reports have suggested that there may be gene × gender interaction for bipolar disorder (BD)-assoc......
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism susceptibility to schizophrenia and bipolar
Previous studies examining the possible role of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR)polymorphisms in the devel......
Absolute weight change, ≥7%weight gain, and self-reported weight gain of second-generation antipsych
Objectives: To assess absolute weight change(AWC),≥ 7%weight gain(WG),and self-reported WG of antipsychotics in mania,b......
Introduction:Inflammatory processes have been implicated in the pathophysiology and progression of mood disorders,and an......
Bipolar disorder is a kind of mood disorder,which has affected 4% population worldwide.As the aetiology and pathogen......
Maintenance treatment and guidelines concordance for euthymia of bipolar disorders data from the nat
Background: Although the treatment guidelines of bipolar disorders(BPD)have spread more than a decade,the concordanc......
目的 比较偏执型精神分裂症和双相障碍I型躁狂发作患者额叶氢质子波谱代谢物的异同.方法 对符合美国精神障碍诊断统计手册第4版(DS......
目的 比较研究精神分裂症和双相Ⅰ型躁狂发作患者默认网络连接的异同.方法 对符合美国精神障碍诊断统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)诊断标准......
目的 采用图论分析方法探讨早期阶段双相障碍Ⅰ型躁狂患者脑功能网络小世界属性的特点及其与临床资料的关系.方法 对符合美国精神......
目的探讨综合干预对双相障碍(bipolar disorder,BD)患者维持治疗期社会功能和生活质量的影响。方法选取83例维持治疗期BD患者,分为干......
目的 探讨双相障碍患者焦虑症状的社会人口学及临床特征方面的危险因素.方法 对2010年9月1日至2011年2月28日“中国双相情感障碍患......
目的 探讨稳定期双相障碍Ⅰ型(bipolar disorder type Ⅰ,BD-Ⅰ)患者大脑灰质结构特点,并进一步比较不同心境稳定剂对患者大脑灰质......
目的探讨双相情感障碍患者血清高密度脂蛋白(High density lipoprotein,HDL)水平与其认知功能的相关性。方法在苏州市广济医院住院......
目的探讨双相障碍Ⅰ型患者在躁狂发作时的血清5-羟色胺1A受体(5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A,HTR1A)基因启动子区甲基化水平。方......
Neurochemical metabolites in the medial prefrontal cortex in bipolar disorder A proton magnetic reso
OBJECTIVE: To examine the efficacy and safety of short-term and long-term use of antidepres-sants in the treatment of bi......
目的 探讨性别对双相障碍(bipolar disorder, BD)Ⅰ型患者海马和海马旁结构的影响.方法 对133例BDⅠ型患者(男60例)和144名对照(男......
目的 探讨丙戊酸钠分别与齐拉西酮和奥氮平联用治疗I型双相情感障碍临床疗效差异.方法 选取I型双相情感障碍患者共100例,采用随机......
1例4岁男性患儿因甲型流感合并咽炎,遵医嘱口服磷酸奥司他韦胶囊30 mg、2次/d,复方福尔可定口服液4 ml、3次/d和对乙酰氨基酚口服混......
目的 探讨双相情感障碍(BPD)不同临床状态下的认知操作模式.方法 采用8个神经心理测验(共17项)对BPD的不同临床状态病人(躁狂相、......